Month: February 2020


Full Gold Luxury Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628

If you want to understand the high-end luxury watch market, then you must pay attention to Rolex. Yacht-Master is a collection in the Rolex brand. And Rolex Yacht-Master is one of the most popular sports collections of the brand. Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is one of the luxury Rolex watches.


Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628

Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is the first Yacht-Master watch, born in 1992. For average watch buyers, this watch is considered very expensive. Every replica Rolex is a symbol of luxury, especially this high-end Yacht-Master 16628. Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is not a watch, but pieces of gold. Because this is a full 18K yellow gold watch. From the 40MM Oyster case to the Oyster bracelet to the rotatable bezel, all are made of 18K yellow gold. So it’s hard not to notice it.


Rolex Replica Yacht-Master 16628

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 shows two distinct dials. The first is a champagne dial, and the second is a rich blue-gray dial with matching golden specks. But I think the champagne dial is more traditional and the blue dial is more active. So blue is more suitable for young people, champagne is more suitable for calm men. The three-eyed Cyclops adds practicality to this watch. In addition to the date function, Cal.3135 also provides 48 hours of power for the central hand. 18K hour markers and hands are filled with white padding.


Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 Replica

The sturdy, rotating bezel is marked by raised numbers for 60 minutes. There is a raised integer every ten minutes. So it can be used for timed events. Athletes in many national sailing events wear Yacht-Master collection replica watches. Because it can record the time it takes to move between buoys.

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is not only perfect for luxury yachts, it can also be used at home. Although designed for yacht racing, this watch can be worn almost anywhere. For high-end events, the all-gold Rolex Yacht-Master 16628 is undoubtedly the right choice.


Fake Rolex Oyster Perpetual Air-King 116900

fake Rolex Air-King 116900

Rolex Air-King was once an entry-level collection for Rolex. In 2014, Air-King was included in the Oyster Perpetual collection. Two years later in 2016, Rolex Air-King was reborn. Fake Rolex Air-King 116900 is the latest Air-King watch.

fake Rolex Air-King 116900

Air-King is also Rolex’s watch series. But now it is more used as an ornament. The Air-King collection has a special place in Rolex. This collection has also been discontinued. But a few years after it was discontinued, the 2016 fake Rolex Air-King 116900 resumed this series.

In 2014, Rolex summarized Air-King into Oyster Perpetual. As we all know, Oyster Perpetual has countless styles, so Air-King is difficult to attract everyone’s attention. So to make the Air-King watch more attractive, Rolex added more new details to it. Next you will see an Air-King 116900 from the Baselworld Watch & Jewellery Show 2016.


Rolex fake Air-King 116900

The original Air-King watch was a very basic watch. The 34MM case is too small to be worn every day. But the latest fake Rolex Air-King 116900 has an ideal size, 40MM. This matches the current trend.


Rolex Air-King 116900 fake

Fake Rolex Air-King 116900 retains the original logo. Air-King in the dial also moved to the 1945 position. Large Arabic numerals are used for time scales 3, 6, and 9. The minute scale is a small Arabic number.

Air-King And Milgauss Relationship

If you like Milgauss, then you will definitely love Air-King. And even if you don’t like Milgauss, you are very likely to like Air-King. Rolex Air-King 116900 has the same antimagnetic device as Milgauss. But it’s cheaper than Milgauss. this is a good news.

Fake Rolex Air-King 116900 has always been a fiery watch. Although he is not the most popular stainless steel sports watch, the value is not as low as other fake watches.

Replica Watches, Rolex

Justin Bieber And His Watches Replica

Rolex Daytona 116508 replica

Justin Bieber, who is under 30, already has a rich life. The happiest is his rectangular wedding with Hailey Baldwin in 2019. They are a perfect match. Justin Bieber’s career began in 2008. But the career path has been bumpy and has been rated as the “most unpopular star” by the American public. But then he was sorry for his actions. Now, I just hope that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have a bright future together. Next, let’s take a look at which watches Bieber is full of personality.

Rolex Daytona 116508 Replica

Rolex Daytona 116508 replica

Replica Rolex Daytona 116508 is a new watch of 2016. This is a watch made of gold. Every detail of the watch is made of gold. Even the dial is yellow. Not only can it appear on the wrists of men or women, but it can also show luxurious sports watches. It’s not surprising that Justin Bieber wore a super-luxury Daytona.

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15400ST Replica

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15400ST replica

Replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15400ST is a commemorative watch launched by AP to celebrate its 40th anniversary. The size of Ref.15400 is increased, from 37MM to the more popular 41MM. Due to the shape of the case, this replica watch is not suitable for thin wrists. But it is relatively thin. Royal Oak is the most important collection in Audemars Piguet. The average man will find a lot of favorite things in 15400.

Cartier Tank W5200027 Replica

Cartier Tank W5200027 replica

To be honest, Justin Bieber was surprised by the replica Cartier Tank W5200027. Because Tank’s rectangular watch is an elegant watch. It is not suitable for men’s daily matching. I really saw this watch in a magazine. It is paired with a black T-shirt for this watch. I think this collocation method is a good idea. Justin wearing this watch is more stable, not like a child.

Finally, I want to say Justin Bieber is a daring boy. The correct statement is that he is now a more responsible man. He will try watches of different brands and styles. If you recognize his fashion, then you can try other replica watches.


Replica Panerai Submersible PAM 961 Limited Edition

Panerai Submersible replica PAM 961

Panerai has always been the watch brand designated by the Italian military. Panerai has also been loved by Italy for its superb watchmaking skills and stylish design inspiration. Especially its diving watch is famous for its super waterproof performance. As a military watch, Panerai seems to have few military green or camouflage watches. But at the 2019 Parona Clock and Watch Show, Panerai launched an army green watch, the Panerai Submersible PAM 961.


Panerai Submersible replica PAM 961

This PAM 961 belongs to Panerai’s new series, Submersible. Replica Panerai Submersible PAM 961 has super high color value and super waterproof performance. The 47mm case still maintains a handsome style. Recognition of classic crown bridge protection equipment. Then, the entire case is made of Carbotech carbon fiber composite material and a unidirectional rotating bezel.


Panerai replica Submersible PAM 961

The bottom cover of the replica Panerai Submersible PAM 961 is the logo of the Italian diving commando. The hour markers, hands and strap in the dial are bright military green. Both military and ordinary people will immediately fall in love with this color. Inside the dial are two hollow hands. The stopwatch is at the nine o’clock position of the dial. Then there is a date window at three o’clock.

Limited Edition

Panerai Submersible replica PAM 961

There are only 33 replica Panerai Submersible PAM 961s. Not only does it have special colors, but also in very small quantities. So this replica watch is very collectible. Perhaps because of this, the used price of this watch is getting higher and higher. Inside there is an equally excellent P.9000 movement.

Panerai is loved by many strong stars because of its large size. For example, in the movie “Death Squad” series, Stallone was fighting with Panerai 382. Of course, large size is also a disadvantage of Panerai. Because girls’ wrists cannot accept large-sized watches. Regardless Panerai is already making progress. Panerai began selling smaller watches.


Rolex Submariner And Deepsea, Which Replica Watch Is Better

Rolex replica Deepsea 126660

The most well-known collection in the Rolex brand deserves to be Submariner. The Deepsea watch, which is also a diving watch, has its pride. And these two series of watches are often compared by fans. This article is a comparison of Black Submariner and D-Blue Deepsea. Which replica watch do you think is better?

replica Rolex Deepsea 126660

Rolex Deepsea 126660 Replica

replica Rolex Submariner 116610LN

The most impressive part of Rolex Deepsea 126660 is the gradient blue-black dial. This is also the origin of the “D-Blue” name. Compared to a single-color dial, its two-color dial stands up to victory. The slightly larger dial size reaches 44MM. This is not the size that every boy can manage, and even fewer girls.

Rolex Submariner 116610LN Replica

Rolex Deepsea 126660 replica

The name of the black Submariner is also due to the design of the black dial. Rolex Submariner 116610LN has a dial size that is easier for fans to accept, 40MM. The average boy can accept this size. Many girls even choose it to express their charm.


In the material of the replica watch, replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 uses 904L stainless steel for the case and strap. At 3 o’clock on the dial is a Cyclops. The unidirectional rotating ceramic bezel is engraved with a 60-minute progressive scale. And it also has a domed sapphire crystal.

Replica Rolex Submariner 116610LN also uses 904L stainless steel. The case and strap are made by fine polishing and sanding. There is also a calendar window at 3 o’clock on the dial. The classic design of the 3-point magnifying glass makes it easier to read the date.


In order to ensure the normal running function of the watch, replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 uses NO.3235 automatic mechanical movement. And replica Rolex Submariner 116610LN uses NO.3135 movement. NO.3235 movement is an upgraded version of NO.3135 movement. But both movements are excellent.

Of course, replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 and Submariner 116610LN are diving watches. In order to support the implementation of functions, Hontwatches also added waterproof features to them.


Stable Rolex Everose Fake Daytona 116515LN

fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN

Everyone should have known this series since the stainless steel Daytona. But there are actually many styles for each Rolex collection. Although stainless steel is synonymous with Daytona, other styles and colors of fake Daytona are actually very beautiful, and many are difficult to buy. For example, the next ivory Rolex Daytona 116515LN.

fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN


The Rolex Daytona collection was born in 1963. It is a timer specially designed for professional racing drivers. So every Daytona comes with a reliable chronograph bezel. And the maximum speed can reach 400 kilometers. This fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN was born in 2011 at Baselworld. Although it is not the stainless steel Daytona that everyone likes, this fake Rolex has also become a hot watch. But unfortunately it has been discontinued. And its retail price is more expensive.


Rolex fake Daytona 116515LN

The case of the fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN is standard 40MM, but it is made of 18K rose gold. Rolex calls it Everose, and it doesn’t fade over time. The yellow Everose goes well with the black ceramic bezel. Coupled with the brown dial and black leather strap, the whole watch shows a solemn and serious temperament.


Rolex Daytona 116515LN fake

As a professional chronograph, fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN has comprehensive timing and speed measurement functions. In addition to the bezel’s ability to measure speeds of 400 units per hour, there are three small dials in the dial. There is a 30-minute counter at three o’clock, and a twelve-hour counter at nine. Finally, the small second at 6 o’clock. These are the unique characteristics of Daytona.


The first watch with movement No. 4130 was Rolex Daytona 116520 in 2000. Until this brown fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN also used NO.4130 movement. This movement was born by Rolex’s professional team after five years of research and development. It has fewer parts, but it has a more reliable and more versatile movement.

Summary: There are three reasons to buy this Daytona watch. The first is a case made of Everose. Second, the solid brown dial makes this sports fake watch more casual. Third, this is a Daytona on a leather strap. So, do you like this special luxury Rolex Daytona watch?

Patek Philippe

Patek Philippe Replica Nautilus 5712 / 1A

Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 replica

Patek Philippe watches were founded in 1839. Archives are available for every watch produced since its inception. Even in modern times, its annual production is only 25,000 to 30,000. Patek Philippe watches are definitely a status symbol. This article will introduce a classic watch. Patek Philippe replica Nautilus 5712 / 1A.

Patek Philippe replica Nautilus 5712

Patek Philippe Nautilus 3712 Replica

Patek Philippe Nautilus was first introduced in 1976. But in the following decades, Nautilus only made very limited changes in the material. Until 2005, Patek Philippe introduced the Nautilus 3712 watch. This is the first complication watch of the Nautilus series. . And it also has three functions: moon phase, calendar and power reserve display.

Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712/1A Replica

replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712

In 2006, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Nautilus series. Patek Philippe has made some upgrades to the Nautilus series. First, the numbering was changed from 3XXX to 5XXX. This means that the Nautilus series begins a whole new era. Secondly, the basic nautilus style is relayed by 5711 / 1A and 5712 / 1A. Then the old 3712 and 3711 gradually exited the market. Third, new complication watches are added. These three upgrades are a milestone for Nautilus. Compared to the original 3712, replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 / 1A is equipped with the same movement. But in 5712 the size was widened to 40 mm.


Replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 / 1A has a blue-black dial. The edges are black and the middle is blue. This color is relatively rare in Patek Philippe. But it is also because of this unique blue that fascinates most buyers. And this replica Nautilus watch is all made of stainless steel.


Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 replica

Replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 / 1A is a modern version of Ref. 3712. It also has moon phase, calendar and power reserve display functions. So 5712 is obviously a more interesting watch. A high-grade watch does not need too many really useful functions. Instead, some seemingly impractical decorations or functions make people feel that it has a mysterious beauty.

For more than ten years since its launch, replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712 / 1A has not been replaced by other watches. Even with the current trend, this replica Nautilus watch will not be easily replaced in the future. It is a replica watch that can be both casual and dressable.


Platinum Rolex Replica Daytona 116506 With Ice-Blue Dial

Rolex Replica Daytona 116506

The principle that many people buy watches is that good watches do not necessarily appreciate and make money, but those who can appreciate and make money must be good watches. This article recommends a replica Daytona watch that can appreciate in value and good. In addition, it is more suitable for wearing in the hot summer.

Rolex Replica Daytona 116506

Ice Blue Dial

The first thing I saw when replica Rolex Daytona 116506 was cool. Because its dial is “ice blue”. The ice-blue dial is very rare in Rolex brands. And only Rolex platinum watches have this dial color. In addition, this replica watch has another feature, heavy. Platinum Daytona is much heavier than regular stainless steel Daytona. Because the density of 904L stainless steel is only 7.8, and Platinum is 21.46.

Speed ​​Measurement Function

Replica Rolex Daytona 116506

When many wearers use Daytona for the first time, they don’t even know how to use this chronograph. In fact, it is very simple. First of all, you need to find a 1,000-meter highway. Daytona starts when the car departs from the starting point, and pauses when the car reaches the end. At this time, the central second hand indicates the travel time of the car. Then the average speed of the car is displayed on the bezel. Rolex replica Daytona can reach a maximum speed of 400KM per hour.


Rolex Daytona 116506 Replica

Rolex Daytona’s speedometer bezel has been used in three materials. The first is stainless steel, the second is resin, and the third is the Cerachrom ceramic bezel used by this Platinum Daytona. The button on the right side of the watch activates the timekeeping function of replica Daytona. But when not in use, the wearer must tighten the button. This ensures a water-resistant depth of 100 meters.

Replica Rolex Daytona 116506 is a special watch from Rolex to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Daytona. Although Rolex’s Daytona is limited in quantity, there is no limit. But because this is the platinum version of Daytona, it is expensive, so its output and market share are not high.


Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 With Rose Gold

replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655

Because of the popularity of Submariner, Rolex Yacht-Master is often ignored. And the update speed of the Yacht-Master is very slow. Rolex has always made reliable watches. The brand has been steadily improving. In recent years, Rolex Yacht-Master has added two impressive watches, one male watch replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 and one female watch 268655. Next, let’s review this men’s watch.

replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655


The most special thing about replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 is that it has a black rubber strap. This is the first time Rolex has used a rubber strap. Let’s look at why Rolex uses the innovative rubber strap. From the outside, you can only see the soft rubber. But the strap is made of sheet metal. So rubber strap is not only flexible, comfortable, but also very reliable.

18CT Everose

Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116655

We all know that the Rolex brand likes to use precious metals on watches. This replica Rolex watch is no exception. It uses 18ct Everose. So this watch is not cheap. You can see 18ct Everose on the outer ring of the case and ring. In addition, the time mark and pointer are also wrapped by precious metal.


The men’s replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 has a 40mm case. Women’s 268655 is 37mm. Both replica watches have a cerachrom black ceramic bezel. The surface of the watch ring has been sanded. Numbers and scales are convex and have a three-dimensional feel. Hard work is very clear, so we can easily read for up to 60 minutes.

Clock Dial

Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 replica

The dial of replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 is another important factor. The dial uses the same black color as the bezel and strap. The design of the dial is simple and clear. The time scale uses different shapes instead of numbers. There is a cyclops at three o’clock. Even underwater, the wearer can read the date and time clearly. Under the dial is NO.3135 movement. No.3135 has blue parachrom in the core.

This replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 watch has a luxurious but low profile design. This watch is a luxurious yacht. So its appearance is simple but symbolic. If you want to buy a Rolex watch with a rubber strap, replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 is the best choice.